These are the vegetable tanned leather sneakers of Butts and Shoulders. Made by true craftsman in Portugal, designed in the Netherlands. As you can see, they are crafted with a full natural tanned leather foxing. We only use natural products for the tanning of our leather. This is the best and most pure leather. Therefore, the more you will use them, the more beautiful they will get. You will create your own patina. Whether you wear them to the office or to the club, these sneakers will never let you down.

Take care of your Leather Crafted Sneaker
During the tanning of the leather of which the vegetable tanned leather sneakers are made from, no chemicals were used. Therefore, the boots are still ‘alive’. By wearing them, they will get a very rich and personal patina. And, like every natural and carefully created leather product, the vegetable tanned leather sneakers need some care once in a while. We offer several leather care product like our shoe-trees and our fully natural bee-wax care kit with a brush.

We try to think of every little detail of our vegetable tanned leather boots, but if you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Via the chat option (lower right corner on this website) on the website we are available and you can reach us via If your question concerns sizing, we are more than happy to give you a suggestion based on other shoe-brands you wear and use.